Views from the Deep
You know that you live in a small town when kids with BB guns are worthy of an article in the local newspaper.
Man, enough snow!
3 weeks until pitchers and catchers report. My man-crush on Jason Varitek will be in high gear right out of the gate.
THE WORLD CHAMPION RED SOX!!.....damn, still doesn't sound right.
WORLD CHAMPION PATRIOTS!!...rolls right off the tongue (insert joke here).
Do you think that the wife would notice if there were only 2 kids at for dinner, instead of 3?
Do you think that she would notice if there was another wife there? Yeah, you're probably right.
Jim Morrisson was no poet. He was just a hippie with a constant buzz. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Can we enact a law that murders anyone who creates a new "reality" show? Geez, the fucking things are like hookers. They are everywhere and they all suck.
If my kids destroy another cd-rom drive by putting something inappropriate in there, I will hang them by their toes. We now need to buy #4.
I brought them into this world, I can take them out.
Man, Danny Secretion looks good in a white leisure suit.
Bface in a tutu...not so much.
There should be a law where you are allowed off one person a year. My only problem would be narrowing down my list.
I've been saying this for years....there needs to be a one day killing, er, I mean hunting season for seagulls. I would sit there with a case of beer, a case of shotgun shells, and about 200lbs of herring to lure them in and have at it.
You haven't lived until a seagull has shit in your mouth.
I'd tell you guys what we used to do to them but PETA would probably light my humble abode on fire. Then again, that would give me a reason to shoot back....yet,I digress.
Watching a Blue Shark go completely nutty and start attacking anything from seagulls, to hoses, to Hi-Flyers (picture a lobster buoy 10 ft tall with concrete on the bottom) is pretty cool....unless they bite your net in half.
Even cooler is tying (hooking) into a fish that can swim 60mph and can rip your arm off in a split second. Giant Bluefin Tuna are a lot of fun. Especially when you get around $30 a pound.
Here is a picture of my 1st one. She was about 700lbs when we caught it.

notice the studly dude with the orange glasses at age 16

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