Just when I think that people can't become any more stupid than your average human, I see a couple of quick stories in the news today that reinforce my faith in the degradation of intelligence. While neither story is anything major or out of the ordinary, one had immediate consequences and the other will have have definite repercussions, of one sort or another. I'll get to the 2nd in a moment.
The first invloves some dumb broad in North Fort Myers, Florida. As if the "north" before "Fort Myers" distances them. Anyways, she decides in all her infinite wisdom, that she wanted to be a Flying Wallenda. Well, she got the flying part right. She decided to do a handstand on her 2nd floor balcony railing. Did she think that if she fell that she would be like a cat and land on her feet? If she did, it didn't work out so good. Just before attempting this "trick", she called out to a friend "Watch to see what I can still do!!" What you can do is be carted away in a Ziploc bag instead of the standard body bag. Moron.
The second is from that flaming homo Richard Hatch who failed to claim his $1 million prize on his taxes in addition to another $321,000 in appearance income from a local radio station. I mean, what was he thinking? Did he think that they wouldn't check? As much as I hate that (and all) reality shows, I know enough to claim the money because MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!! Egads, what a moron. Well, maybe he wanted to go to jail for the "benefits" (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Don't fuck with the IRS.
I know from experience.
Was his name Billy?
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