Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Everyone Go Away

If I see that video of Terri Schiavo and her feeding tube again, I'm going to kick the tv.... then shoot it. I'm not going to bore you with my opinion of that situation (there is a first time for everything) but jesus, give us a break already! That's just what I want to see all day every day.


I don't want to see and/or hear anymore daily reports about the nasty things that freak-of-the-week Michael Jackson "allegedly" has done to that boy. We don't need the details just tell us when he gets off (no pun intended) like all of the celebrities do.

Yeah, let's watch a drugged up Jackson stumble into court everyday, that'll make good tv.



Can someone put a tail-rope on Star Jones and tow her back out to sea where she belongs? She has irritated me since the first time that she filled up my tv screen a few years ago. I can't seem to get away from her. Every time I turn on the tv she is there somewhere. It's almost like she's addicted....maybe tv cameras smell like donuts.


I wish Letterman would just do the dignified thing and walk away. If he won't do that at least stop doing a top-ten list every night. Some of those jokes on there are just plain terrible. I remember when the list used to be funny and I would actually look forward to them every week. That show hasn't been funny for years and he looks like he doesn't even care anymore. I mean, c'mon...."Can it Float?"

Dave, that has to be THE MOST ASSININE thing that I have ever seen! And coming from me, that's saying something.


I see that some kid from Vermont won the Smelliest Sneakers in the US. His parents must be so proud.

How does something like this make news? Why would anyone want to start a contest like this? It's things like this that make other countries hate us.





How will I ever go on living?

Can I vote for the show and everyone involved in it to be shipped off to some remote island so we never have to see them again?

Can't Congress pass a law for this? Would anyone be against it?


At 8:58 PM, Blogger The Cod God said...

I can't help it. I have DSB.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well you need to fix that Mr. Cod. I have offered to help you with that little problem..
PS. Amen

At 7:41 PM, Blogger The Cod God said...

I took care of it. God bless internet porn!


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