Saturday, January 29, 2005

7 days....

...24 hours and 8 mins (as of the start of this entry) to kickoff.

I wonder how many more subjects that the sports writers can come up with in this next week? They have pretty much run everything that they can. They must have been dancing a jig when they saw Freddie Mitchell on ESPN the other morning. The fucking clown was running his mouth. Yeah, he's a former 1st round pick with a grand total of he 22 catches this year. 1 1/2 a game and he says that he is a "difference maker". He may be right, if he is talking about the difference between a good receiver and a loud-mouthed-asshole one. At least T.O. backs his shit up. And to call out Rodney Harrison... real smart, shithead. Hell, Rodney would smack the hell out of him with his vehicle if he saw him in the players parking lot just for fun. Just plain dumb Freddie, dumb.

Onto other matters...

My eldest son was gone most of the day today. What a friggin' relief! I can't believe the difference between having 3 kids in the house and having 2. Remind me why I had the 3rd one again?....oh yeah, couldn't keep it in my pants. Well I sure as shit don't have that problem now. My wife and I have sex....hallway sex. We say "fuck you!" as we pass each other. Good times, good times.

Is it morally wrong to trade kids for alcohol and/or guns? Not that I have any morals at all..but bear in mind that it is for a lot of alcohol and/or guns.

You gotta love people that move into your town and then start bitching about the industry around them. Case in point...this rich bastard bought a half million dollar condo down the road from me. Now, when he bought the condo the NH Port authority was directly across the street just like it has been since its inception. Not only that, there is a small scrap metal yard at the Port Authority that also has been there for eons. When I say scrap metal, I mean that they unload about 3 loads a year from small barges and that the metal sits in a nice little pile on the corner of the pier until it is loaded out. Not the colossal clusterfuck of rusty shit that used to be there years ago. Anyways, he moves in and decides that the pile of metal is blocking his view of the river. The same pile that was there when he bought the place. Of course, since he has money our suckass town listens to him. The douchebag has the ear of the local (hippie) paper. Without that metal pile, the fish pier (which I am quite fond of having worked on boats down there all of my life) and the Navy yard this town wouldn't even be here. Now we have cocksuckers from Boston in their Mercedes telling us how to run our town just because they grossly overpaid for some glorified apartment. Don't even get me going about the rich-rich-rich assholes that bought the place under my Mom's pad. All I have to say about that whole situation is that she is a better person than I. I would have made things a bit more say the least. Unfortunately, flames burn upward. Then again, I don't have to live there. As usual I have no point but don't fuck with Momma-Face.

And another can't even shoot a gun anymore! I had the cops come to my house about a year and a half ago because some blind old hag down the way "swore" that she saw someone running through the parking lot with a rifle. The cops came to the door innocently enough but when I told them "Yes, I own guns" after they asked, you would have thought that I told them that I had several children tied up in my basement. Their hands went straight to the butts of their pistols and they started badgering me w/questions. Of course me being a total asshole with a complete lack of respect (and possessing some knowledge) for the law, I was a wiseass. It didn't go well from there....

One more reason as to why I hate people...

Another time I popped a squirrel that was pissing me off. When I went to grab it my neighbor happened to be outside walking her dog. She gave me a huge smile and said "Hi!"...until she saw the dead squirrel in my hand. She didn't talk to me after that. I was married at the time so I didn't really care but I actually expected a cop car to come cruising up within moments. Hell, around here they would probably call in the SWAT team. (which ironically enough, my father started when he was a cop...for 23 years) Geez, wouldn't that be fun? Me going down by the SWAT team. Hmmm....

Well, on that note I'll go....

Later and GO PATS!!


At 4:50 PM, Blogger The Cod God said...

Never trust a squirrel. They are a wiley bunch.


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