I have a website that tracks all the hits that I get on my blogs. It has a feature called "came from" that (surprise) tells me where all of you twisted fucks come from.
Here are a couple of "matches" as certain websites see it....
Someone searched Alta-Vista for the term "get cock in jail"... a lonely inmate with computer priviledges, perhaps? Anyways, it hit on my Smokey and the Cock entry. Enjoy boys.
Yahoo had some weirdo search for "Trot Fucking" which is weird enough in itself. I assumed that they forgot to add a word or two, but they hung around long enough to find my blog (as the number 5 match, no less!!) and click on the link to an old entry on my Sox blog. Odd, to say the least. Then again, those are my people.
Another search that Yahoo linked to me was "how to back a boat down a ramp". I was the third match on that one! It linked to one of my favorite entries, Outdoors with the Codfather.
Yahoo once again strikes with "scorpion bowl recipe" linking to my What a Drunk entry. That entry is probably the worse thing that I have ever done according to me. I didn't want to write and didn't have a subject so I forced it. The result is pure garbage. If you feel like a pity-laugh, go ahead and read it. Then again, you must feel like a pity-laugh if you're here in the first place.
I've had other like "fucking sister in-law".... "women's shoe size"... and "fat bitch" connect to me. I wish I had saved them all. It would have made for a better story. If any of you have found me via searching for something else, let me know or I shall hunt you down like the dog(s) you are!
Oh well, fuck it.
there are some strange people in this world
So, some poor soul was looking for instructions on "how to back a boat down a ramp" and ended up following the technique that Codfather uses? Oh my.
I guess I need to shed a few pounds.
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